Designed specifically for the Tidy Cats Breeze litter system (available for separate purchase) with a guarantee of satisfaction: If not satisfied, receive a refund - Simple as that!
Purina Tidy Cats Breeze cat litter box system refills prevent ammonia odor for seven days for one cat, and the super-absorbent kitty litter pads means there's no need to scoop urine clumps
Breeze litter pellets and pads are a unique alternative to clay litter and allow for fast, easy cat litter box maintenance, even in multi-cat households
Disposable kitty litter pads are easy to replace and super absorbent to lock in moisture and keep the cat litter box dry. Absorb. Toss. Replace
Anti-tracking Purina Tidy Cats Breeze litter system cat pellet refills allow for simple scooping and are 99.9 percent dust-free. Neat Floors. Neat Feet. Guaranteed.
Designed specifically for the Tidy Cats Breeze litter system (available for separate purchase) with a guarantee of satisfaction: If not satisfied, receive a refund - Simple as that!
Purina Tidy Cats Breeze cat litter box system refills prevent ammonia odor for seven days for one cat, and the super-absorbent kitty litter pads means there's no need to scoop urine clumps
Breeze litter pellets and pads are a unique alternative to clay litter and allow for fast, easy cat litter box maintenance, even in multi-cat households
Disposable kitty litter pads are easy to replace and super absorbent to lock in moisture and keep the cat litter box dry. Absorb. Toss. Replace
Anti-tracking Purina Tidy Cats Breeze litter system cat pellet refills allow for simple scooping and are 99.9 percent dust-free. Neat Floors. Neat Feet. Guaranteed.